A rare chrysos of Israel with a very old pedigree
Los 334
Israel, second half of the 570s. Chrysos (Gold, 18 mm, 1.52 g, 12 h). ✠BACIΛΙ AξⲰΜΙ Draped half-length bust of Israel to right, wearing tiara and circular earring; to left and right, ears of barley; all within circular border. Rev. ✠IC✠ΡΑ✠H✠Λ Draped half-length bust of Israel to right, wearing tight-fitting head cloth and circular earring; to left and right, ears of barley; all within circular border. Hahn, Aksumite, 46. Hahn & Keck, MAKS, 77.16 = Phaidra 1190520 (this coin). Munro-Hay, AC, type 143. A rare and attractive piece, lightly toned and with an excellent pedigree. Minor areas of weakness, otherwise, good very fine.

From the Dr. Stephan Coffman Collection and that of H.-S., Peus 425, 7 November 2019, 374, ex Titano 3, 23 June 1979, 86, deaccessioned from the inventory of the Museo Africano in Rome, and from the 1906/7 Adulis Hoard.

After the reign of Ella Gabaz/Wazen Agad, the exact succession of the Axumite kings becomes increasingly uncertain, though Hahn & Keck in MAKS prefer the order Israel-Gersem-Joel-Hethasas/Hataza, based on a series of anonymous argyroi closely copying those of Ella Gabaz/Wazen Agad, which carry the legend 'ngs ʼksm', or 'King of Axum', a title also used on the chrysoi of Israel (and which had fallen into disuse on the coinage for a while after the reign of Mhdys in the middle of the 5th century). The 'King of Axum' title was likewise employed on the gold coinage of Joel, but this king struck argyroi under his own name and of a different type, implying Israel was closer to Ella Gabaz/Wazeb Agad than Joel was. While we follow Hahn & Keck's order here, it is not unlikely that future evidence will further refine the chronology of the later coin-producing kings.

This particular piece comes from the Adulis Hoard, discovered during excavations in the early 20th century. The hoard consisted of 33 chrysoi of Israel and was found in a layer showing signs of burning. Adulis may have been collateral damage in the Byzantine-Sasanian War of 572-591, during which the Persians sent an expedition to southern Arabia to install a client king there, furthering the decline of the Axumite Kingdom. It is worth noting that the king's name, Israel, was the name given to the patriarch Jacob after wrestling with an angel (Genesis 32:24-32), from which the Israelites derived their name.
1500 CHF
1200 CHF
8500 CHF
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